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The files below are currently available for download. Additional studies are found in our Online Articles section.
Index of PDF Files |
Size: 11,723 bytes |
This is a simple one page PDF file which serves as a menu to all the PDF files available here. Simply put all our PDF files in the same directory and this menu will quickly take you to the different files. We'll update this file each time a new PDF file is added to the site. |
Did Domitian Persecute Christians? |
Size: 112,896 bytes |
In the June and July, 1989, issues of Searching The Scriptures Art Ogden and Ferrell Jenkins engaged in a written exchange on the question of whether the Roman emperor Domitian (A.D. 81-96) persecuted Christians, as many argue. Both agree many have overstated the severity of Domitian's persecution of Christians.
This Internet edition is published jointly by Ogden's Biblical Resources and BibleWorld by Ferrell Jenkins. |
Elders and Deacons |
Size: 141,181 bytes |
Contained in this document are outlines on Elders and Deacons covering:
The Qualifications for Elders and Deacons The Work of Elders and Deacons The Authority of Elders The Attitude of the Congregation to the Elders |
God's People At Work |
Size: 101,486 bytes |
This series of articles was written by my father. They originally appeared in GUARDIAN OF TRUTH magazine in October through December of 1983. They deal with the work God expects of us as individual Christians as well as the work He expect us to perform together as a congregation.
Click HERE to view these articles online. |
Studies in Hebrews |
Size: 183,041 bytes |
This series of articles on the book of Hebrews was originally written and published in 1987 & 1988 in the Southside Searcher, the monthly bulletin of the Southside church of Christ, in Smyrna, TN. I was honored to work with the brethren there from August of 1986 till November of 1993. The articles are published here virtually unedited since being written.
Click HERE to view these articles online. |
How We Got The Bible |
Size: 235,501 bytes |
This series of outlines was put together some years ago by Rick Duggin. Rick traces the process by which the text of the Bible has been preserved through the centuries. This study will strengthen your faith in the text of the Bible. We thank Rick for permitted us to prepare this study in this format to share with others. NOTE: This study was updated by Rick in 2002. This download includes his updates and revisions. |
An Introduction to the Book of Revelation |
Size: 344,102 bytes |
This document is by my father. It contains the entire introduction to his popular commentary on the book of Revelation, The Avenging of the Apostles and Prophets. It is provided here in this form in the hopes more people will consider carefully the material it contains. We believe the arguments made are powerful, logical and scripturally consistent. |
Revelation Articles |
Size: 266,235 bytes |
This series of articles was written by my father. They originally appeared in either Truth Magazine or Gospel Truths magazine. There are 19 articles in all. We are pleased to bring them all together into this single collection for use by those studying the Apocalypse.
Click HERE to view these articles online. |
Revelation Survey |
Size: 106,864 bytes |
This booklet is the handout my father often used when lecturing on the book of Revelation. There are 15 pages to the booklet, including various arguments to establish the purpose of the book as well as charts and overviews. |
Soul-Winning |
Size: 50,092 bytes |
This brief outline study was prepared by my father, Art Ogden, several years ago as a starting point for local members interested in fulfilling their duties to teach the lost. Several aspects of the subject are discussed. |
Studies of the Year and Day Jesus Died |
Size: 89,815 bytes |
Brethren have generally said that Jesus died on Friday evening and rose early Sunday morning in 33 A.D. This study challenges the Bible student to examine ALL the evidence found in God's word. This file consists of an article examining the year in which our Lord was crucified and a couple of outlines examining the day of the week on which He died. |
Women Teachers |
Size: 101,178 bytes |
This series of articles was written by my father. They originally appeared in Truth Magazine in October and November of 1976. They were printed following his debate with J.W. Holcomb in Somerset, KY, on the subject of whether women could teach Bible classes in the local church. That debate was held on December 29 & 30, 1975, and January 1 & 2, 1976. A second debate was held between them in Cincinnati, OH, on March 26,27 & 29,30 of 1979.
Now containing a sixth article: "God's Limitations Upon Women". Click HERE to view all these articles online. |
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